Hike Mount Vesuvius: How to Plan Your Visit

Get ready for an unforgettable adventure as we tackle Mount Vesuvius! Towering above with its fiery history, this volcano offers more than just a hike—it’s a journey into nature’s raw power and stunning beauty. So, grab your gear and let’s explore! Here is everything you need to know to hike Mount Vesuvius!

What is Mount Vesuvius?

Mount Vesuvius is a well-known active stratovolcano located in the Gulf of Naples, Italy. It is located about 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) east of Naples and a short distance from the shore. It is one of the most famous and studied volcanoes in the world due to its history of explosive eruptions and its proximity to densely populated areas.

Its most famous eruption occurred in AD 79, when Vesuvius explosively erupted, burying the Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis, and Stabiae under a thick layer of volcanic ash and pumice. This eruption was catastrophic, killing thousands of people and preserving the cities in a snapshot of Roman life. Vesuvius has erupted many times since then, with significant eruptions occurring in 1631, 1872, 1906, and the last major eruption in 1944 during World War II.

As of today. Vesuvius is considered an active volcano and is closely monitored for signs of potential eruptions. Due to its explosive nature and the dense population living nearby, it poses a significant risk. There are emergency plans in place for the evacuation of the surrounding areas in case of an impending eruption.

Mount Vesuvius is a key site for volcanologists studying the behavior of stratovolcanoes and the impact of volcanic eruptions on human societies. In recent years, it has also become a popular tourist destination. Many visitors exploring the remnants of Pompeii choose to hike Mount Vesuvius a view of its crater.

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Hike Mount Vesuvius: Detailed Description

The hike to the summit of Mount Vesuvius is relatively short and moderately steep. There are 11+ trails at Vesuvius, and you can check the full list on the official website.

The main trail is path n°5, known as the Gran Cono trail. It is a short trail, measuring about 1.7 kilometers (1.1 miles) one-way. The whole hike typically takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete, depending on your pace and how much time you spend at the top.

The elevation gain from the trailhead to the summit is approximately 200 meters (656 feet). The trailhead itself is located at around 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) above sea level, and the summit of Vesuvius reaches approximately 1,281 meters (4,203 feet). However, you won’t be reaching the actual summit, as the trail ends at a mountain hut called La Capannuccia, located on the crater rim.

Trail Description

Starting Point: The hike begins at the Vesuvius National Park entrance, where you’ll find parking (2km before the gates) and facilities like restrooms and a visitor center. The area of the gates is only accessible by shuttle bus or tour buses, while private cars need to be parked furthern down.

Trail Surface: The path is well-maintained but consists of loose volcanic ash and gravel, making it somewhat slippery. Proper hiking shoes with good traction are recommended, although many people successfully complete the hike in trainers.

Incline: The initial part of the hike is the steepest, with a series of switchbacks that help to manage the incline. The trail gradually becomes less steep as you approach the summit.

Views: Along the way, you’ll be treated to stunning panoramic views of the Bay of Naples, the surrounding countryside, and, on clear days, the islands of Capri and Ischia. The vegetation is sparse, giving way to impressive volcanic rock formations and lava flows.

Summit Area: Once you reach the summit, you can walk along the rim of the crater. The crater is about 500 meters (1,640 feet) in diameter and 230 meters (755 feet) deep. You’ll often see fumaroles emitting steam and volcanic gases, a reminder of Vesuvius’s active status.


The hike is considered easy to moderate, due to the steepness and loose terrain. It’s manageable for most people in decent physical condition, including children and older adults, but may be challenging for those not accustomed to hiking or physical exertion.

Bringing sufficient water, wearing appropriate footwear, and dressing in layers are essential. The weather can change rapidly, and it can be cooler and windier at the summit compared to the base. But don’t worry, if you forget something there are shops and cafes at the beginning of the trail, and also on the crater rim.

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Mount Vesuvius Hike Permit

In order to hike Mount Vesuvius, you need to purchase a hike permit. This permit grants you access to the Gran Cono trail and the summit area. When booking, you will find two options: “Gran Cono del Vesuvio” and “Gran Cono del Vesuvio – Last Minute“.

Mount Vesuvius typically gets fully booked days in advance. If you are planning ahead, check the following section. If you’re late to the party and need to rely on the Last Minute option, see the section below.

How to Obtain a Hike Permit

Permits can no longer be purchased at the entrance to Vesuvius National Park.

Purchase Online: It is mandatory to buy your permit online. You can purchase tickets from the official Vesuvius National Park website (the process is powered by Vivaticket, and you’ll be redirected there). You can also buy your hike permit on other authorized ticket vendors, but they generally come at a higher price tag.

Tickets can be purchased up to 30 days in advance of the date of the visit. As of May 2024, a hike permit costs €11,68 per person.

We highly recommend to purchase your hike permit days in advance. This ensures your spot, as the number of visitors allowed per day is limited to preserve the environment and manage crowd control.

Last Minute Permit to Hike Mount Vesuvius

If no hike permits are available for your date, check the “Visita Guidata al Gran Cono del Vesuvio – Last Minute” section. Here, one hour before each time slot begins, 10 new tickets for that slot will be released.

For instance, at 10:30, 10 tickets for the 11:30 slot become available. However, these tickets are in high demand and are typically claimed within seconds of release, so act quickly once they’re posted.

Additional Tip

Payment Timeout: When someone reaches the payment tab, their tickets are typically reserved for 15 minutes. Occasionally, if a payment doesn’t go through, those tickets could become available again.

Check Older Time Slots: While waiting for the next batch of 10 tickets, it’s wise to periodically check if any tickets from earlier time slots have become available again. Keep refreshing the page to increase your chances of securing a spot.

It’s a good idea not to show up at Mount Vesuvius without a ticket. When we went, we saw lots of people at the entrance, all glued to their phones, trying to snag a ticket with the shaky Wi-Fi there. Since there’s no signal on the mountain, it’s smarter to grab your ticket beforehand, maybe at your hotel, before heading up.

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How to Get to Mount Vesuvius

So, you’re gearing up for a trip to Mount Vesuvius, huh? Smart move! But before you start packing your hiking boots, let’s figure out how you’re gonna get there. Whether you’re driving solo or hopping on public transit, we’ve got the step-by-step guide to get you to this iconic volcano. Let’s dive in.

By Public Transportation

From Naples

From Naples, you have two options:

  • By Circumvesuviana train to Ercolano Scavi: One option to reach Mount Vesuvius from Naples is to get the Circumvesuviana train to Ercolano Scavi. From there, you can take the shuttle bus by Vesuvio Express. This is quick but it’s not a public service, therefore is more expensive.
  • By Circumvesuviana train to Torre del Greco: Alternatively you can get off at Torre del Greco, and then walk to the bus stop (Via E.De Nicola) to take bus 808.

From Pompeii

From Pompeii, you have convenient access to bus 808 connecting directly to the summit of Mount Vesuvius. The bus departs from Piazza Anfiteatro in Pompeii. The journey takes approximately 55 minutes, and tickets are priced at 3.10€ for a one-way trip, purchasable onboard. Here is the timetable.

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By Private Car

If you drive your own car, it’s relatively easy to reach Mount Vesuvius. Take the A3 highway and exit at Torre del Greco. Once you exit the highway, follow signs directing you towards Mount Vesuvius. The road will wind its way up the mountain.

The volcano is located about 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) east of Naples and approximately 23 kilometers (14.3 miles) northwest of Pompeii.

Parking at Mount Vesuvius

Navigating the parking situation on Mount Vesuvius might initially appear daunting, but fear not – it’s actually quite simple. Here’s the lowdown:

There’s just one paid parking area on Mount Vesuvius, situated approximately 800 meters above sea level. To secure a spot, head to the official website of the municipality of Ercolano and purchase a ticket. It’s advisable to purchase your parking ticket only after having obtained your hike permit.

A parking ticket for cars costs 6€. Although you’ll be assigned a specific spot, it’s worth noting that parking arrangements are flexible, as directed by the parking attendant on site. They’ll guide you to the nearest available parking spot.

The parking is about 2km from the entrance gates. Once parked, you have the option to either walk to your the gates or catch one of the shuttle buses available. The cost for a return trip on the shuttle is 3€ per person.

Here is the exact location of the parking lot:

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Best Time to Hike Mount Vesuvius

The best time to hike Mount Vesuvius is typically during the spring (April to June) and fall (September to November) months. During these seasons, the weather is generally mild, with cooler temperatures and lower humidity, making for more comfortable hiking conditions.

Summer (July and August) is a fantastic time to explore Mount Vesuvius; however, it’s worth noting that temperatures can soar, especially during midday, making the hike more challenging and potentially uncomfortable. If you do choose to hike in the summer, be sure to take necessary precautions such as bringing plenty of water, wearing sunscreen, and taking breaks in the shade to avoid overheating.

Hiking in winter (December to March) is also possible, but the weather can be unpredictable, with colder temperatures and the possibility of snow at higher elevations. It’s essential to check the weather forecast and prepare accordingly for your hike.

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Best Time of the Day to Hike Mount Vesuvius

Choosing the optimal time of day to hike Mount Vesuvius can significantly enhance your experience. Here’s why timing matters:

Early Morning: Many hikers prefer to start their ascent early in the morning, shortly after the park opens. This allows you to beat the crowds and enjoy cooler temperatures as you hike uphill. Additionally, the morning light can create stunning vistas and provide excellent opportunities for photography.

However, the park only opens at 9:00 AM, so you can’t really hike up Vesuvius for sunrise.

Late Afternoon: Another popular time to hike Mount Vesuvius is in the late afternoon, especially during the warmer months. By starting your hike later in the day, you can avoid the peak heat of midday and still enjoy beautiful views as the sun begins to set.

Plus, hiking during this time offers the chance to witness breathtaking sunset views from the summit. Keep in mind that the park typically closes at 5:00 PM, so plan your hike accordingly to ensure you have enough time to descend before closing.

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What to Bring to Hike Mount Vesuvius

Before to hike Mount Vesuvius, pack essentials like water, sunscreen, and snacks to keep you hydrated and energized. Wear comfortable hiking shoes and consider bringing a light jacket for cooler temperatures.

Don’t forget your camera to capture the breathtaking views along the way. Drones are not allowed within the National Park.

These simple items will enhance your hiking experience. Since it’s just a short hike, you don’t need to stress too much about planning every detail.

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Guided Tours vs. Independent Hikes

When deciding between a guided tour and independent hiking on Mount Vesuvius, various considerations emerge.

Hiking independently provides greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness. You can set your own pace, explore at leisure, and forge a personal connection with the volcano.

While a guide isn’t really necessary to hike Mount Vesuvius, solo hikers need to arrange their transportation to the summit. It’s also worth noting that access to the full crater rim is restricted, with only half accessible to unguided visitors; the remaining portion requires a guided tour.

Guided tours offer the benefit of expert guidance, ensuring safety and providing insightful commentary on the volcano’s history and geology. Additionally, they include transportation to and from the trailhead, and they cover the entire crater rim. Private companies such as TourGuideNaples offer such tours.

However, guided tours tend to be pricier and may restrict flexibility due to fixed schedules and group dynamics.

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Hike Mount Vesuvius with Kids

Children can hike Mount Vesuvius without problems, but parents should consider the age, fitness level, and hiking experience of their children before embarking on the trail.

The path is relatively moderate with some steep sections and loose gravel, so younger children may require assistance or supervision. With proper preparation and caution, families can enjoy a safe and memorable hike on Path 5 of the Gran Cono of Vesuvius.

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Nearby Attractions

Hiking Mount Vesuvius is an unforgettable experience, but the adventure doesn’t have to end there. The area surrounding Vesuvius is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, offering a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. Here are some recommendations to make the most of your trip to this fascinating region:

Naples: Start your exploration in Naples, a vibrant city known for its rich history, art, and cuisine. Visit the Naples National Archaeological Museum, home to an impressive collection of artifacts from Pompeii and Herculaneum. Stroll through the historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and indulge in authentic Neapolitan pizza. Here are the best things to do in Naples!

Pompeii: Explore the ancient ruins of Pompeii, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to uncover the history of this Roman city buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Wander through well-preserved streets, marvel at ancient frescoes, and learn about daily life in ancient Rome.

Herculaneum: Visit the archaeological site of Herculaneum, another city buried by Vesuvius’s eruption. While smaller than Pompeii, Herculaneum offers remarkably preserved buildings, mosaics, and artifacts, providing a unique glimpse into Roman society and culture.

Amalfi Coast: Take a scenic drive along the stunning Amalfi Coast, renowned for its dramatic cliffs, picturesque villages, and azure waters. Explore charming towns like Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello, or hike along trails that offer panoramic views of the coastline and Mediterranean Sea. Don’t miss the Path of the Gods, a unique hiking trail on the Amalfi Coast!

Capri: Embark on a boat tour to the beautiful island of Capri, famous for its rugged coastline, hidden caves, and luxurious villas. Hike scenic trails, visit the iconic Blue Grotto, or take a chairlift to the summit of Monte Solaro for breathtaking views.

Sorrento: Spend a day in the charming town of Sorrento, known for its lemon groves, narrow streets, and stunning views of the Bay of Naples. Stroll along the cliffside promenade, sample local limoncello liqueur, or take a boat tour to nearby attractions like Capri or the Amalfi Coast.

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